Hidden Secrets LLC


$85 $95

The BV and yeast infection kit was designed to assisted with our vagina when the pH balance is off. 


  • Feminine Wash 
  • Feminine Wipes 
  • Probiotics 
  • Ultra-Thin Liners (Everyday Pantyliners)
  • Boric Acid Suppositories 

The wash promotes health moisture balance, keeping the vulva area fresh and calm, with a soothing cool sensation.

Feminine wipes are for everyday use when freshness and odor are a concern, we are not using public restroom tissue, especially during these difficult times. 

Probiotics are essential for your vaginal and overall health. Taking probiotics daily helps maintain pH balance and prevents yeast infections, BV and UTIs. 

Daily panty liners that are soft, toxin-free, absorbent and shaped for extraordinary everyday comfort. You will need these for this discharge from BV/yeast and the discharge from the boric acid suppositories. 

Regularly using boric acid suppositories brings quick relief from itching and discomfort, as well as fight to assist with bacterial vaginosis. Our suppositories also contain antifungal and antimicrobial properties to treat and help prevent yeast infections and BV. You will see and feel a difference in as little as 24 hours.

Do not use pass 7 days, you will experience brownish discharge from the natural herbs, this is normal they are being released from the vaginal area. 

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